Energy Management Systems

Monitor and analyse data across all your building sites to reduce energy consumption and costs

Energy Management Systems

Energy Management Systems

We have applied experience and knowledge to stay ahead of the competition by using unique web-based Energy Management Systems (EMS) by Optergy to find energy savings opportunities.

With Optergy EMS, facility owners and building managers can make decisions based on real-time building performance.

Key benefits of Energy Management Systems include:

Easy navigation for all users
Powerful recording capabilities
Open scalable solution

Main features of Energy Management Systems include:

Real time and historical energy use Monitoring & Verification (M&V)
Highly scalable system architecture for single to multiple buildings
Metering integrations: gas, water, electricity on Modbus, BACnet®, and MBus protocols
Integrated BMS via BACnet® with built-in graphic user interface (GUI)
Demand-side energy management
Remote access: flexible, secure web-based monitoring
Scrolling screens: live performance data in dashboards for tenants and public on digital display
Tenant billing for energy usage by zone and tariff period
Energy level tracking and reports and scenario simulator

Contact us for a consultation or free quote for your project